11 Jan 2023

Notion AI | Team Workspace

Connect your teams, projects, and docs in Notion and leverage the limitless power of AI in any No...
16 Jan 2023

Regie.ai | Ai-Engaging Content Creator

Regie helps sales, marketing, and success teams write engaging content faster using AI
16 Jan 2023

hiver | Ai-Powered Team Assistant

The AI Sidekick that makes teams more productive
17 Jan 2023

Getdost | Ai-Powered Slack and MSTeams App

Create safe, bias-free, microaggressions-free, inclusive messages with Dost’s AI-powered Sl...
17 Jan 2023

Autumn | Ai-Powered Team Assistant

Measure burnout and prevent it, without surveys. Autumn connects with the tools you al...
18 Jan 2023

Otter | Voice Meeting & Real-Time Transcription

Capture and share insights from your meetings. Otter records meetings, take notes in real-ti...
11 Jan 2023

Notion AI | Team Workspace

Connect your teams, projects, and docs in Notion and leverage the limitless power of AI in any No...
16 Jan 2023

Regie.ai | Ai-Engaging Content Creator

Regie helps sales, marketing, and success teams write engaging content faster using AI
16 Jan 2023

hiver | Ai-Powered Team Assistant

The AI Sidekick that makes teams more productive
17 Jan 2023

Getdost | Ai-Powered Slack and MSTeams App

Create safe, bias-free, microaggressions-free, inclusive messages with Dost’s AI-powered Sl...
17 Jan 2023

Autumn | Ai-Powered Team Assistant

Measure burnout and prevent it, without surveys. Autumn connects with the tools you al...
18 Jan 2023

Otter | Voice Meeting & Real-Time Transcription

Capture and share insights from your meetings. Otter records meetings, take notes in real-ti...